Wednesday, September 9, 2009

You Lie...

Even though he was greatly criticized for it, and there are many requests for him to apologize, South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson is awesome! Not only is he honest (even after an apology) he is very popular. He won over 70% in both the special election the first time he ran for his office, but also for his full term election!

I understand that some out there would say he was being very disrespectful, but how many libreals would have done the same thing to Bush? And how many would have been called out for it by the drive-by media? Ummm... quite a few... and none...

I'm sorry, but a man who does not hold his own position in high enough regard to at least wear a button-up shirt with his jeans does not really deserve too much more respect. He shows up in a tee shirt as he gets off Air Force One... yeah... that shows real class... and a man who tells the truth (maybe in the wrong place, but at least it was the truth!) is chastised.

This is my take on it... it took guts, and real emotion, to shout out during a speech "You lie!" to the POTUS. This guy is on my "cool' list.

Also, I think that the Senate and the House really do need a little bit of the happenings of the English Parliament of old... where they would continue on and on and argue the point more... a little less "sociable" but with politeness at the same time.

~ The Short One

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