Sunday, March 21, 2010


I am sitting here watching what is going on in DC right now. The vote was supposed to happen at 1 PM EST and now it is 1:30 PM PST.

It was amazing to see the video of those protesting outside the capitol right now kneel down and pray. Not just bow their heads, but actually get down on the ground and kneel and pray. Hats were removed. Hands were raised. Tears were shed. The leaders of this country need to walk outside there and see all of them. But, even if they were to do that, Obama, Pelosi, and Reid will not change their minds or hearts.

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Christian Theory of Everything - F&CD

A Christian Theory of Everything
Bible and Theology
Week 1 - Day 1
Dr. Sam Storms

This deals with the string theory and how scientist take the strings and believe in them and that they explain all life and matter, however, they cannot understand where those strings come from. Sam Storms, the author of this little article, explains that God is the author of these strings. And even if you believe in this theory of physics and cosmology, there is still the question of what explains the strings. God explains the strings.
The answer is everything exists for the glory of God. (p23)

Basically, what they are asking is why existence? Why is there not nothing? Creation and God choosing it is the answer. Not need, but want. Choice. Love. We were created to join God in this love.

To relish and rejoice in the beauty of God alone accounts for why we exist. Enjoying God is the soul's sole satisfaction, with which no rival pleasure can hope to compete. Glorifying God by enjoying him forever. It's the Christian Theory of Everything. (p24)

For Reflection or Discussion:

Does this view challenge your assumptions about life and the universe? If so, how?

Not really. I know that we are created by God, soley FOR God, and that His Glory is the end of all things.

What are the greatest barriers to your enjoyment of God?

My world

Perhaps you're not enjoying God as much as you would like. What step could you take to begin to change that (Psalms 84:2; 16:11)?

Psalms 84:2
My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the LORD; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the Living God.

Psalms 16:11
You make known me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Find Joy in the things that God has done, even the little things. This will lead to a deeper love and joy in God Himself.

How might today be different if you lived as though you were created to enjoy God as your greatest treasure?

Joy in God would be more apparent. It would be noticeable and a testimony. In short, those who do not have it will notice that you are different and they will want the same thing. We always want what is better, and in the end, this greed and envy might be a good thing, because it is really a need, not a want, therefore, not true envy and greed.

~ The Short One

What I will be Studying Part 1

Following are readings from "A Faith and Culture Devotional".

These readings will be in Art, Science, and Life by Kelly Monroe Kullberg and Lael Arrington.

ISBN: 978-0-310-28356-0

This is just to cover my bases. Studies from this will be posted as "F&CD" in the title.

All verses will be taken from an English Standard Version (ESV) unless otherwise noted.

~ The Short One


I have been having a hard time getting together my bible studies... I tend to need others to bounce things off of to get it going. So... I will be doing my studies here so that others can comment on them and we can carry on conversations through comments.

On to the next post!

~The Short One

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Long Time...

I only have an excuse for my absence right now, no long post, sorry if anyone was expecting that (and I don't think anyone was).

Basically, things happened that made me mentally and emotionally shut down. I am a girl, that happens to us more often than not. Oh yeah... it happens to me often.

So now, that part of my life is over with and I am back.

See you soon!

~The Short One