Every man's life is a fairy tale written by God's fingers.
~ Hans Christian Anderson
I like this quote. You know that song, "Some day my prince will come..." from Disney's Snow White? Yeah... that is one of my favorites. Life really can be a fairy tale. All we have to do is look for the magical and miraculous all around us. Just think... we breathe! How amazing is that?!?! That may seem unremarkable, but think... the muscles that help in breathing. The cells that take the oxygen from each breath to other cells. The cells that transport breath waste out of the body with each exhale. We can sing and run and walk and skip and dance and still live afterwards. The fact that we can do all that, and that God made us is amazing!
Now, think about love. The fact that we CAN love! Why, because God does and we were created in His image. In that, we are little creators and lovers. You think God has not had a hand in your life? Look at it closely... there may be something so small you never realized, it was God's Hand and Love in your life. It can be a person, a place, or an event.
We can see the fairy tale God has written for us, if only we would try.
Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
~ C.S. Lewis
This quote was said by Lewis concerning what people were saying academically about fairy tales. Look at what he wrote! Narnia, his greatest selling and most popular book in a children's tale! Or for lack of better words, a fairy tale... Lewis firmly believed that fairy tales were for adults as well as children. What we tend to forget is that we were once children, and we tend to forget the messages that the fairy tales conveyed. We can learn so much from the stories that we read as children.
What this quote means to me is that we go through a time (Jr. High and High School and Late Elementary and College... for most of us...) where fairy tales are so... below us. Some of us just like them and read them all through life (like me... the nerd...). What we need to use is our child-like imagination and love and perception of things. We need to be Lucy.
I try to be Lucy.
~ The Short One
~ The Short One
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