Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Well... there are some things to be said about the elections that occurred today.

1: There is a "fed-up" sense about things
2: It only became personal for the current President because he made it so
3: The Conservative Party member in New York is showing the country something... Reagan works!
4: Personal attacks by the blues were not answered in petty ways, rather weight and ideologies were owned up to right away
5: I dislike smear campaigns and the little negativity I found in the local election for mayor turned me off
6: I hope the newbies on the ticket for the local school boards members get it
7: New blood is always good
8: Might want to check out Umbrage in HP 5 again and see what government run school is like... (and yes... I know that is not the spelling of the name... but it is of the word)

~ The Short One

Been a while

Sorry bout that... sometimes life consumes you.

~ The Short One