Sunday, October 11, 2009

Another Comment!

Yay! Lauren asked a good question. Most history classes today gloss over the fact that Martin Luther Kind Jr. plagiarised a lot in his academic career.

Here is my comment to her comment (on the first of the two Nobel Prize posts):

Yes he did.

Martin Luther King plagiarized in college-Truth!
The staff at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Papers Project discovered a lot of plagiarism in Martin Luther King's writings and in a 1991 article in THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY said that "plagiarism was a general pattern evident in nearly all of his academic writings" including his doctoral dissertation.

See also: (I could not copy the part that I wanted to over to here.)

Those were in the top five of searching "Martin Luther King Jr Plagiarism" in Google. The story broke when you were a baby. Also, history books tend to just gloss over it all. I admit he had a great cause that he championed, but there is NO excuse for plagiarism.

~The Short One

First Comment on "Girls Today"

Lauren Guerrero said... I totally agree that society is whack for telling girls that they need to sexualize themselves in order to please men. It's a backwards idea in regards to society, and an un-Biblical idea in that it flaunts the temple meant for the eyes of one person. And if not one person, at least save your goodies for the bedroom, and not for all of us to see (oftentimes, those goodies aren't all that good).

However, even though I am a Christian as you know, firm in my beliefs, I also put my faith in the system created by the forefathers of our great country. I think that God should not be in schools. For that matter, religion at all. Because, if we get the power of being in schools and government, we will become another copy of the Catholic church. Corrupt, dying with the disease of our own greed. Plus, you and I both know that God doesn't need school or government to do His awesome works. I also hate that people pass out condoms to junior highers. But I think that it is ok to give them to High Schoolers. Because I would rather preach to safe-sex teens than teens dying of AIDS. But, that one's just my opinion. Great post!

I see where you are coming from, and what you are getting at. However, not allowing god in schools is the problem. Not allowing ANY religion in schools in a problem. If it were fair, say ANYONE can pray to ANYTHING without being labeled intolerant, biased, rude, hating, or anything else (like many Christian students are in schools by teachers and fellow students) and not just the "Politically Correct" religions (i.e. Islam, Atheism, and Paganism), then we would be fine. Let me pray to God at lunch, before a test, and as the day goes by. Do not tell me, or my future children for that matter, that they cannot, but in the same breath tell the Muslim children that they have a special room for them to pray each time they need to. This has happened before. In the month that they celebrate Rammadan there were schools that were setting aside space for the children of the Muslim faith to pray. I am fine with that, but do not tell Christian, Catholic, or other students of a religious and faithful background that they cannot do what they want to concerning their religion (like keeping ash on their head from Ash Wednesday in the Catholic church... students were kicked out of school because it was a "health hazard" and "offensive" to other students).

Once again, I understand where you are coming from.

Thank you for you comment. As always, your eloquence makes reading a joy.

~ The Short One

DISCLAIMER: I know her... that is why I posted it in the regular blog. This is for on going discussion that I know is great to continue.

On Comments...

I will also respond to comments... and I just realized that I had two! Yay!

Ok... so first comment will be on the next post.

~ The Short One

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Prize... Again...

So... my friend on Facebook put up this link.

Yeah... I have tried really hard not to kill my sister at times this year... and I have succeeded... oh wait... that right there... the "s" word... takes me out of the running... oops! Hmmm... it seems today that now no one really has to earn things! (oh my... that was the Capitalist Pigs "e" word... I must go was my mouth out with soap now...),.

Oh... and by the way, Ghandi was never actually awarded the Nobel Peace Prize... he was killed two days before the nominations were over... so they wanted to give it to him, but they did not because he was dead... so instead of giving the prize to him and the money to a cause that Ghandi supported they let the bastard who killed him win!

Yeah... look up Roselind Franklin and see if she got her award.

Nobel Prize of Stupidity Needs to be Created

Nobel Prize for "effort"? The heck! You know... I never truly paid attention to the Peace Prize or anything else that they deal with... they suck! Al Gore beat out a woman who REALLY deserved it in 2007! Carter got it in 2002 (and not REAGAN who REALLY deserved it!) as well as YASSER ARAFAT in 1994! grrrr... since then I have ignored them. (yes... I was 8 and I knew that was wrong!)

Now, they have given it to some good people... like Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr (even though he was a plagarist, therefore I will not call him "Doctor") and Elie Wiesel... but the fact that they give it to orginizations that are for "green" ness... those who are for no nuclear wars (okay, I will give, but if you hit us, we hit back harder with the SAME thing! And that means nuclear, too) and those who just make a movies with incorrect facts means that they are not doing what Alfred Nobel might have wanted.

They did not give it to Mahatma Ghandi at all! Not even posthumously. They just did not give the award that year (1948, the year he was assasinated).

They also forget people in the prize, giving it to two or three people in a group of collaborators. And they will not give one posthumous even if that person (like Rosalind Franklin who died of ovarian cancer before the award was given to her collaborators who, with her help, discovered and identified the DNA chain) is part of a group and the group is honored. They are re-writing history! These forgotten names get left out of the books because they must not have been important since they were not given the Nobel prize for that matter.

After 1994 they went wrong. They ignore the great workings of others who have done WAY more than the apologizing, placating, Olympics loosing, blaming, complaining, finger pointing, teleprompter, lying president that we have now.

That is all for now... I am too mad to get more words out that are coherent.

~The Short One

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So... I seem to be running in week long sequences... ah well...

Did you just see NCIS LA? Yeah... March Air Force Base. That rocks. Even though Riverside gets a bad rap, it is still cool. All the people at school complain about the weather and the smog, but really? Just go home if you hate it that much.

That is how I feel about America in general. Yeah, we run America not the way you want, and we try to follow the constitution. You don't like it THAT much that you complain, and whine, and try to change us to old Soviet Russia (which is not that far off from what it is today... just a little better than what it is now...) then you can go back there. You don't like our history (the EVIL white man is ALWAYS the bad guy) then you can either deal, or g-o a-w-a-y.

Just a little rant for myself... I am really burnt out right now... and my head spins with words and concepts and I cannot seem to put to paper.

So I will end this here.

~ The Short One